本物のSOULとは、どれだけ本気で世界と向き合い生きていくか、という強い意志と愛に基づいた、人間の根源に潜む精神性を表わすものだと私たちは考えます。その実態を言葉で表現するのは容易くはないですが、伝わった時は心の奥底で響き続け、永遠に近い感動を生み出すことができる。そのSOULを表現するために数多ある手段のなかで、私たちは音楽という心をつなぐ一つのツールに心を動かされ、モチべートされた人間です。音楽を通し感動と興奮を知り、人々と出会い、多くのことを学んだ経験から、 SOULミュージックとは人間の持つ意志や愛といった強い感情の表出であると理解しています。
私たちSWEET SOUL RECORDS(スウィートソウルレコード)はそんな音楽の持つ本来の魅力を、世界基準の視点と確かなスキルで世の中に訴えかけていく集団です。
Here in Japan, we often hear people say “Tamashii,” the Japanese word for “soul”, but by our definition, it is very doubtful how much “soul” actually exists in today’s music. We feel that most “products” looking only for financial success cannot be labeled “soul” music, but rather “soul-selling” music.
We believe that “soul” is the human’s most deep-rooted spirit and is based on deep love acquired when honestly confronting life and its struggles. In other words, it is not easy to express the true meaning of soul. But we feel that it is the most hidden human power and when it hits you, it is undeniable, seemingly for a time comparable to eternity. For us we are moved, intrigued, and motivated by soul music, this wonderful music that causes waves throughout your entire body. Through music we have learned awe and excitement, have greeted many people, experienced many distance lands, and have travelled to other cultures outside our own. Because of this we strongly believe that “soul” is a warmth full of love capable of transporting the soul.
The SWEET SOUL RECORDS crew recognizes the appeal of real music and has set out to share our viewpoint on this appeal through worldly standards and skills.
One of our missions is to spread real music throughout world without distinction between Japan and internationally, essentially borderless. We will discover genuine music and real artists and continue to create real music together through collaborative projects.
As mobile phones and different internet websites such as YouTube, Soundcloud, and Bandcamp and streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music are now the standard, music is more easily accessible. The thing that does not change, even with the evolution of how music is made accessible, is that “real things will continue to live”. And we understand, support, and will continue creating together “real music” that shines all over the world. Without being bound by a fixed concept, we will create our own platform where artists can make an active appearance.